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Ben Callison - March 2020 Volunteer Highlight

Kaelyn Hale

Meet Ben! Ben has been volunteering here at Resale Depot every Thursday for about a year now through LifeSpan’s job development program. He is gaining volunteer experience so that he can get a full-time job. He is 30 years old and has been a part of the program for about 15 years. Before volunteering at Resale Depot, Ben has worked at Goodwill, Finley’s, and Marino’s Pizza.

He has had many different jobs at Resale Depot such as sorting newspapers that are used to wrap fragile items, sorting hangers, and slicing price tags. “They like to challenge me and I don’t mind. I always like learning.” Ben volunteers here because he likes getting out and learning how to do stuff. “It’s something to keep me busy.” He also really likes the people here, both the customers and the other workers.

We are so grateful for Ben, his eagerness to learn, and his willingness to do whatever odd jobs are given to him. Thank you Ben!


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